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Plant-Based Cookbook - Silverstar J


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Plant-Based Cookbook

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Plant-Based Cookbook

Eat Yourself Thin With These Delicious Plant-Based Recipes… And Never Feel Like You’re On A Diet

Dear Friend,

We all know that one annoying person who can eat whatever they like without gaining an ounce.

Not only can they indulge guilt-free in whatever snack or dessert tempts their taste buds…

They can even go back for seconds without any fear those calories will end up on their hips, thighs, or tummy.

And truthfully, I used to be super envious of anyone like that.

I was convinced they were just genetically blessed… or that they’d sold their soul to the devil in exchange for a magical metabolism.

Meanwhile, if I even looked at a slice of pizza, I swear I gained a couple of pounds.

That was until about 3 years ago, when I discovered a new way of eating that changed everything.

And for the first time in my life, I was losing weight and loving my reflection in the mirror without starving myself.

That new way of eating, of course, was a plant-based diet.

But not just any plant-based diet. I’m talking about delicious recipes like:

  • Apple Cinnamon Pancakes
  • Crispy Waffles
  • Sweet Potato Sliders
  • Portobello Pot Roast
  • Salted Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Today, I want to share these exact recipes with you… plus 100+ more that are just as delicious as they are healthy.

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Not only will each of these recipes help you get the body of your dreams…

They’ll also make you look like a cooking superstar to your family and friends, even if you’re not very confident in the kitchen.

Hi, my name is Pam Jennings…

And I’ve helped countless women reclaim their health and reshape their bodies on a plant-based diet.

But the truth is, just a few short years ago I was the LAST person you’d want to take nutrition advice from.

Even though I’d always been a little heavy growing up, I was now 42 lbs over my ideal body weight...

And mortified by the unsightly rolls of belly fat that spilled over my waistband.

Plus, I was just as unhealthy on the inside as I looked on the outside.

I’d usually wake up tired, even if I’d slept for a full 8 hours...

And I barely had enough energy to make it through the workday, let alone family and social commitments.

I’m sure everyone just assumed I was lazy and living on junk food...

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What's the difference between Plant-Based and Vegan?

In general, plant-based diets focus on eating more healthy plants, but it doesn't have to be a vegan diet. Some plant-based diets can include dairy as well as egg products.  However, our plant-based cookbook is also 100% vegan (we don't even use honey in any recipes).  

How do I get my cookbook?

Your cookbook will be delivered to you via email immediately.

Is it easy to read?

Yes! The CoBionic Plant-Based Cookbook is easy to read on any device, and we’ve even included a print-friendly version if you prefer to print out your recipes at home.

How soon will I see results with the recipes?

Most people notice they feel more energized within the very first week. And it’s common to start losing weight just as quickly.

However, since everybody is different it’s impossible to give you an exact answer. But as long as you stick with it, then you WILL notice the difference before long.

What if I don’t like the recipes?

I’d be super sad, but I know everyone’s tastes are different. That’s why I have a 60-day iron clad guarantee so you can try all of the recipes without any risk.

Do the recipes contain oil?

Some of the recipes are oil-free, while some contain healthy oils like coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. If you can’t have oil for any reason, many of the recipes can still be made without them.

Do the recipes contain gluten, soy, sugar, sodium etc.?

All 105 of our recipes are completely gluten-free, soy-free, and grain-free. Some of the recipes contain low amounts of sodium, due to salt that or other flavorings that may be used. Some of the recipes (particularly the desserts) may contain natural sweeteners like maple syrup or coconut sugar.Feel free to substitute any of these in the case that you need to completely restrict your sodium or sugar intake.

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