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Magnesium is one of the most abundant essential minerals in your body. It’s primarily stored in the bones of your body. A very small amount of magnesium circulates in your bloodstream.
Magnesium is involved in more than 300 metabolic activities in your body.

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Diabetes Type 2 causes low of magnesium levels. As higher blood glucose levels might lead the kidneys to discharge more urine. This also causes increased loss of magnesium.

Hypomagnesemia is typically treated with oral magnesium supplements and increased intake of dietary magnesium.(1)


Your body needs biotin to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids, the building blocks of protein, Biotin helps your body to convert food into energy, manage blood sugar levels, and metabolize carbs, fats, and proteins. (4)


According to a study by Harvard Medical School, chromium can lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, and for many years, researchers have studied the effects of chromium supplements for type 2 diabetes.

One research study suggested that taking chromium supported blood sugar management in women who were pregnant.

When your body lacks chromium, your ability to lose weight is held back at a cellular level. But the right amount of chromium helps to activate your metabolism.(7)


Zinc is an essential mineral that is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. Zinc is also found in many cold lozenges and some over-the-counter drugs sold as cold remedies.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema Sylvestre, widely known as “the sugar destroyer,” is one of important ingredient of GlucoRun.

This plant is derived from a shrub found in Africa, India, and Australia. For thousands of years, the leaves of this plant have been used to support general health and wellbeing.

Gymnema Sylvestre supports healthy blood sugar levels and may promote healthy levels in persons with type 2 diabetes, according to research.

It also aids in weight loss by decreasing sugar cravings. This is because the herb contains gymnemic acid, which temporarily blocks the sugar receptors on your taste buds.

Furthermore, Gymnema Sylvestre has been demonstrated to help support healthy cholesterol levels already in healthy range as well as promote a healthy inflammation response.

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manganese is highly concentrated in the pancreas. It is involved in the creation of insulin, which is responsible for the removal of sugar from your blood. As a result, Manganese is essential vitamin that promotes insulin synthesis, allowing your body to transform blood sugar into energy.
Researchers are still trying to determine if low levels of manganese contribute to developing type II diabetes, or if a type II diabetes state causes manganese levels to drop.

So Manganese appears to play a role in regulating blood sugar.(5)


Cinnamon Known as “the king of spices” for thousands of years, has a long history of use in traditional medicine, licorice roots have been used to support health and wellbeing. Cinnamon also supports healthy blood sugar and digestion and may help support a healthy inflammation response (8)

Vitamin C

Vitamin C are substances that your body needs to grow and develop normally. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It is important for your skin, bones, and connective tissue. It promotes healing and helps the body absorb iron.
Some people may need extra vitamin C from dietary supplements, especially those who suffer from type 2 diabetes to lower their Syndrome of it. (3)

Licorice Root

One of the earliest herbal treatments used in ancient Greek and Chinese medicine is licorice root.

Licorice (or “liquorice”) is one of the most widely used in foods, herbal medicine, and extensively researched medicinal plants of the world. In traditional medicine, licorice roots have been used against treating many ailments including lung diseases, arthritis, kidney diseases, eczema, heart diseases, gastric ulcer, low blood pressure, allergies, liver toxicity, and certain microbial infections.

It promotes liver function, this root is also high in flavonoids, a chemical that aids with appetite control.(6)

Juniper Berries

The earliest recorded medicinal use of Juniper Berries occurs in an Egyptian papyrus dating back to 1500 BCE and was used to boost the performance of athletes in the Roman Olympics.

Their potent powers come from antioxidants that cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system.

 According to animal studies, the berries contain chemicals that boost insulin synthesis, decreasing blood sugar levels. This might make Juniper Berries a potent ally in the fight against diet-controlled (type 2) diabetes. (9)

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