Silverstar J


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Silverstar J


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This book entitled ``Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications’’ has been divided into five parts. First part of this book extensively discusses some important experimental observations that cannot be explained by so called classical physics and two important characteristic features of subatomic particles- the wave-particle duality and the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Old quantum theory namely the Wilson-Sommerfeld Quantization principle has also been introduced here. The second part of this volume covers the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics based on the postulates which includes discussion of wave functions and operator algebra. The third part deals with exactly solvable problems in quantum mechanics such as various one-dimensional problems in Cartesian and polar-coordinate systems. The next part of this volume i.e. fourth part introduces common approximate methods such as variation principle, perturbation theory and WKB approximation.The fifth part i.e. the final part consists of various applications of Quantum Mechanics in many electron systems. This includes antisymmetric principle, poly-electron atoms, Hückel Molecular Orbital theory, covalent bonding, hybridization etc. One of the important features of this book is that it also embeds a substantial number of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) with hints and solutions which are relevant in the context of recent competitive examinations. This book certainly covers the syllabi of all Indian universities as well as major competitive examinations.

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