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How to Remove Skin Tags With Organic Tea Tree Oil

There are a few ways you can remove skin tags. Often this will involve a trip to the GP, who will be able to surgically remove them for you. Alternatively, you can try doing it yourself by wrapping the skin tag in some dental floss or cotton and thereby starving it of blood and oxygen. You can even get a pair of sterile scissors and cut the skin tag off.

There’s just one problem with this strategy and you’re probably already aware of it – in fact, you’re probably already pulling a facial expression that’s saying ‘nu-uh!’.

The idea of cutting or ripping skin tags off is rather unpleasant. It can be painful, it can bleed a lot and it can end up leaving scars and other marks that are just as bad as the skin tags themselves! Buying link

That’s why it’s better to take a slightly less brutal approach to removing your skin tags. And one of the best ways to do that is to use a little tea tree oil. As ever, going the natural and organic approach is the best strategy!

Using Tea Tree Oil for Skin Tags

Tea tree oil for skin tags works well because of its natural astringent properties. Tea tree oil is effective for treating acne and is also able to help you get rid of dead skin and grime. It’s natural and organic, and it’s extremely beneficial for a range of purposes.

Among its many properties, tea tree oil is:





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Of course skin tags aren’t caused by bacteria or fungal infections but they still seem to be treatable with tea tree oil. While there are no official studies, countless people report having success with the strategy within 17 days to one month. Buying link

So how do you use tea tree oil for skin tags?

The first step is to clean the area around the skin. This is always important and will prevent you from simply rubbing more dirt and bacteria into the area. Don’t rub profusely however as you can end up aggravating the skin tag and causing redness or even bleeding in the area. Dry the area carefully too.

Now take a cotton bud and add a couple of drops to the end. You can also use cotton pads or tissues. Buying link

Now simply apply the drops via the cotton bud directly to your skin tag. You don’t need to apply it to the surrounding area, though of course it doesn’t hurt! You can apply several times a day, or you can make a small band aid or plaster and use it to keep a cotton pad pressed against the skin. 

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