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AppOwls Commercial information

It's 2022… Having A Mobile App Is A MUST For Every Business…

Mobile Apps Are The PRESENT & the FUTURE Of Running A Business

Mobile Apps Boost Branding

Since your company's logo and or slogan are visible on your customers' mobile screens, it's virtually impossible not to remember you whenever they need your products/services.

It also offers a definite advantage against your competitors who are yet to adopt this business strategy.

Mobile Apps Improve Customer Service Experience

Your customers access your products/services anytime they want and while on the fly.

This is especially true if you don't have a help line that's available 24/7.

Your app can include a feature where they can contact you day or night, and without necessarily going to your website.
Mobile Apps Act As A Marketing Tool

More than just an application, a mobile app can double as a valuable marketing tool.

How? It can be easily integrated with Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and other social media sites.

That means, with a single tap, customers can share with their experience with your company, which can then offer you free publicity. Click here

Plus, using push notification, you can quickly send upcoming promotions or special events to your customers and prospects.
Mobile Apps Help You Acquire More Customers

Keep in mind that today's consumers are constantly moving and are addicted to their mobile devices.

Undoubtedly, they would appreciate a useful and engaging mobile app from your company.

If your app helps them save or kill time or is just that awesome, they would even refer you to their friends and family.
Mobile Apps Help You Generate More Income

A mobile application with order fulfillment ability can readily provide another revenue channel, aside from your website and or brick and mortar store. Click here

For example, functionality to make restaurant reservations, book concert tickets, buy goods and services, etc. are possible with a few taps/clicks.

But wait, there’s more! You can also earn by charging app users when they upgrade, or by offering in-app advertisements, etc.

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