Silverstar J
W.L.D.S Monthly information - Silverstar J


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Silverstar J

W.L.D.S Monthly information

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W.L.D.S Monthly information

There are companies out there that focus on buying white label web-apps just to rebrand them and sell to different to other businesses.
And these businesses will think that they built the app from scratch for them.

Investing in white label apps is a gold mine but not a lot of people know about it.


Building your own app from scratch is more expensive than getting a white label app. when building your own app, you have to hire designers, developers, project managers, and sometimes you will have to get an office. But a white-label app takes away all these from you.

The reason why white label apps are cheap compared to building from scratch, is that the companies that build this white label apps, sell them to multiple businesses so that way, they don’t get to charge you for all the work put in developing the app.

White label sellers generally host the apps on their servers. So as a buyer, you get a functioning app but don’t have access to the back end source code.
This might seem like a disadvantage but remember for you to purchase the app, it means it does what you need from it and this way you don’t get to deal with the headache of maintaining the app by yourself.

The apps performance is being tracked by developers hired by the seller of the white label app so if there are any technical issues all you have to do is to inform the seller and they would fix it. But this is a rare occurrence.

The world is moving at a very fast pace economically so when you have an idea and when the idea is executed and completed, could be a long period of time, sometimes up to a year or more.
But white label apps are readily available so you don’t have to spend all that time. As a result your competitors won’t be so far ahead of you.

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