Silverstar J
ClipsReel - Silverstar J


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Silverstar J


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One Stop Shop For Creating Stunning Animated Videos Using Your Blogs Posts, Articles or Any WebPage.

Turn Any URL Into a Video Using Machine Learning & Our Adaptive A.I. technology, Within Minutes With 100% Customization. Engage & Get More Sales On Autopilot Using ClipReel!

What Is ClipsReel?

Video creation isn’t easy or fast!

There are about 10 different kind of video creation software that do pretty much the same thing, with just a few extra things here and there.

BUT not having a video for your marketing online is like taking an arrow to the knee! (get the reference? lol)

What users want is the ability to quick and easily create a professional yet gorgeous looking videos for their marketing, without spending hours designing, editing, recording or a fortune on them.

No one has time to write a video script, create a storyboard, create animation (even if its point-n-click) or design all those other video elements.

What they want, is the ability to easily turn websites, blog posts, amazon products or Shopify links into a stunning, professional looking video with the option to add their own logos, branding and add their message…

…a video they can use for marketing, promotions, generating traffic…or for ads!

That’s exactly where ClipsReel comes in.

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Video content is important right now as much as your regular blog posts or text-based articles. But creating videos for your articles, websites etc. is not easy, often time taking.

ClipsReel makes it hands-free for anyone to turn their (or any) blog posts, article, webpage, amazon products, Shopify pages or any content piece into a stunning looking video automatically, saving users tons of time, effort and money.

ClipsReel uses a well-trained A.I. models to create videos. The A.I. improves itself automatically every time a video is created, hence when a user tried to create a video using the same URL used earlier, ClipsReel understand it and tries to create a unique NEW video every single time.

ReelURL Technology

Simply enter any URL, your own or a public webpage, amazon product etc; and ClipsReel will use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to capture relevant text from the article/page, curate it with relevant images and video clips and create a stunning video with animation and transition added to it, which then can be customized by the user as needed.

Full & Detailed
Customization of Each Video

Never worry about ending up creating the same video advert as someone else. ClipsReel lets you easily customize each video as per your own needs. Change or add new images/video clips to timeline, add text, add call-to-action, change background, update background music, add voice overs, text-to-speech, subtitles and so much more.

Access to Reelimage
Library powered by A.I.

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With ClipsReel you get access to our Reelimages library that generates UNIQUE images using A.I. These images are synthetic images, never-seen-before and copyright free. You also get access to our massive library of millions of images that you can use in your own videos, as you like. These images are high quality and stock-free.

Access to ReelClips Library

With ClipsReel you get access to our massive library of millions of background and abstract video clips as well. You can use these clips as you like, in any video you like.

Access to ReelMusic Library

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Just like the Reelimages library, ClipsReel also gives you access to the background music library with over 10,000 background music files to choose from and use in your videos.

Access to ReelFonts Library

Your call-to-action, your watermark and you text message is only as powerful as you present it. With 1,000+ professionally selected fonts, you can now add that professional look to your texts in the video.

Add your watermark.

Import your own logo or add your own text, adjust transparency, and turn it into your own watermark. Click here

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