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John's German Family - Silverstar J


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John's German Family

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John's German Family

A Novel for Intermediate Students of German

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Your German level is intermediate, you love reading but are afraid that a book written for native speakers will have too many unknown words? Here’s the solution. “Johns deutsche Familie” is a real novel but it comes with German-English vocabulary on every page and was written in a language that is adapted to your level. 

John's German Family - From Bavaria to Texas

John, a young American law student,  discovers old diaries written in German in his late great-grandmothers house. He is fascinated because he used to think that his family is a bit boring because they all live in Texas. Nobody had told him about his German heritage. He learns German and plans to travel to Germany to visit the place in Bavaria where his ancestors come from when the coronavirus pandemic hits the world and he’s stuck in Texas. However, a young historian helps him to translate the old German diaries and he discovers why his ancestors moved to America and what their lives were like in Texas in the late 19th and early 20th century. In 2022, John finally makes it to Germany. Together with his distant cousin Alexandra from Bavaria he uncovers a secret from the past and learns about connections between his family and the Nazis during the time of the Third Reich.

5 reasons to buy "Johns deutsche Familie"

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If you are learning German as a foreign language, you need to read books adapted to your level. And, if you can listen to them recorded by a German native speaker, you will both enjoy and learn more. That is why our books are the best tool to improve you German: 

Text in German with English vocabulary (so that you enjoy reading)

With summaries at the end of each chapter (so that you can quickly check if you understood well)

With comprehension question after each chapter (to encourage you to review the content)

Created specifically for intermediate students who are keen to read a real novel

You can listen or read or do a combination of both.    Click here

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