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Simple Speed Secrets - Silverstar J


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Simple Speed Secrets

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Simple Speed Secrets

4 Common Stumbling Blocks to Overcome to Increase Running Speed

Running is something that people either love, or, hate. One thing we can all agree on however, is the fact that running is tough, and running fast is even tougher. That is of course, unless your name is Usain Bolt. Olympic sprinters are athletes of a whole other calibre, and while you may not plan on breaking the World Record for the 100-metre sprint anytime soon, you may be looking to increase your running speed. You may be interested in athletics, you may be a sprinter, you could play football, you might practice a lot of HIIT, or you may simply want to run a little faster. Whatever your goals may be, if you are serious about increasing your running speed, there will be several common stumbling blocks to overcome. Here are just a few examples of typical stumbling blocks sprinters may need to overcome to boost their running speed.

Not sprinting enough – It may be tough to believe, but one of the most common mistakes people make when trying to increase their running speed, is failing to do enough sprinting. They instead tend to focus on their endurance and fitness and will perform low intensity steady state cardio, as opposed to something like HIIT in the form of interval sprints. If you think about it, it actually makes perfect sense. If you’re serious about running faster, one of the first things you need to do is focus on sprinting and running as quickly as you can while training.Click here

Poor head positioning – When you’re sprinting, the last thing you will be thinking about is where your head is positioned, as you will be far too busy focussing on your feet instead. Despite this however, many top-tier sprinters recommend that those looking to increase their running speed, should focus on getting their heads in the correct position. So, what is the correct position for the head when sprinting? Well, your head should be firmly fixed in place and should remain stationary at all times. your chin should be tilted down ever-so-slightly, and your gaze should be fixed firmly ahead. Keep your eyes on the prize, as they say, and keep your gaze fixed firmly on the finishing line ahead.Click here

Swinging arms – When some people run, they try to use their arms to gain momentum. The problem is that swinging the hands and arms across the centre of the body, actually creates drag and serves as nothing more than a means of slowing you down. When running, what you should do instead when trying to generate more speed, is tuck your elbows in at your side, and “brush” their elbows along the side of their torso as they run, similar to how you would see the driving wheel on old steam locomotive trains working.Click here

Low knee lifts – Finally, the last mistake we’re going to look at today, is practising low knee lifts when running. This means that their stride length is negatively affected, which in turn means that they are unable to cover as much ground and generate as much speed. To overcome this obstacle, athletes are encouraged to pick up their feet, and to perhaps imagine that they are trying to sprint through shallow water.
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