Silverstar J
SOAPERY - Silverstar J


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Silverstar J


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Affiliate Program: CPS 15% Product: Luxury, handmade-handcrafted soaps made in New York, NY. Commission Structure: CPS 15% Average Sale Amount: $9.00/unit, $36/set PPC allowed. About the Brand: Soapery is building a more transparent self-care industry, where consumers have the knowledge they need to make informed decisions, trust the products they purchase, and believe in the companies supplying them. We got tired of never knowing exactly what was in the products we were putting on our bodies every single day. (After all, what you put on your body is just as important as what you put in it.) And when a close family friend experienced a severe allergic reaction to a soap marketed as being safe for sensitive skin, we knew something had to change. We set out to harness the power of all-natural ingredients proven to hydrate, protect, and cleanse to create a line of soaps we could all trust— even those with the most sensitive skin. Our mission is to make self-care safer, cleaner, and more accessible for everyone. Soapery is the culmination of that mission. Click here 

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