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Hidizs Technology Company Limited - Silverstar J


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Silverstar J

Hidizs Technology Company Limited

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Hidis was founded early in 2009, when pocket HiFi just became a thing Tamson, the founder and the CEO of Hidize, he was an audiophile and fronted an underground rock band in college. After graduating, Tamson dedicated his life to making high quality music players for lossless. music. As an audiophile, it was a no-brainer, music should be heard as it was intended to be.


in order to produce superior quality pocket HiFi oudio devices at on af fordable price, Tamson brought to gether a group of audiophiles with ex tensive backgrounds in Hifi audio R&D, and the rest was history with a core staff of over 40 professional audio R&D and decades of combined expe rience, we've been able to consistently poduce the highest quality portable digital audio players (DAP), ear phones, USB DACs, etc.

The APBC: Next Generation Ultraport able Hit Music Player was launched in May 2018 another collective effort supported by the audiophile commu nity, having raised $240,000 from 1795 bockers. And in March 2019, EMS MS4 Epic Hybrid Quad Drivers HiFin-Ear Monitor Earphones, the latest in our range of crowdfunding successes, was launched (having since raised $110,000 from 475 backers who have oll received their orders).

Hidis is renowned for its supreme quality and has won various contiti cations in Japan, including Hi-Res Audio Hi-Res Audio wireless, Sony LDAC, and MOA

The Hidias R&D team become official in Oct 2012, after 3 years of internive research into the global HF audio market. Hidis first pocket Hifi audio ployer - AP100-was officially launch at CES, the most influential tech event in the world, in Las Vegas in Jon 2014 3 years later, the first android Hi-F music player by Hidis, AP200 was launched on Kickstarter, having since raised $280,000 with the support of 943 backers (all orders have been shipped at the time of writing)


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Portable Music Player



Hidis is a company with a singular purpose make premium HiFi music players available to the greatest number of people at the most afforable price so that music is heard how was meant to be heard.

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