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Sendiio 3.0 Personal information - Silverstar J


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Sendiio 3.0 Personal information

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Sendiio 3.0 Personal information


Introducing Sendiio 3.0!

Sendiio is The First and ONLY A.I Autoresponder That...

Allows You To Profit From The Power of Email, Text & FB Messenger Under ONE Central Dashboard With ZERO MONTHLY Fees!

NEW A.I Email, SMS and Messenger Copywriter

One of our BIGGEST updates to date - Sendiio Goes A.I!! This is the FIRST fully-AI-integrated autoresponder of its kind to hit JVZOO!

We’ve integrated REAL A.I in ALL areas inside of Sendiio so that you can have high-converting sales copy written for you WITHOUT having to be a professional copywriter (or hire an expensive copywriter) yourself.

This will be the first time you’ll EVER be able to IMMEDIATELY put REAL A.I copywriting to work for you by instantly being able to send profit-producing emails, texts and social messages to your list WITHOUT writing a single word yourself. There’s been several split-tests done already by top marketers where A.I copy has consistently outperformed their human copy.

NEW A.I Subject Writer

How about A.I also takes care of the MOST important part of your email marketing as well? Yup, not only have we integrated A.I to be able to write your actual sales copy, but we’ve also integrated it to be able to write the MOST important PART of any email campaign - Your SUBJECT line.

The subject line is the MOST vital part to your email marketing success. It’s the FIRST thing that grabs the attention of your subscribers, so that your emails get OPENED. If your subject line is not compelling enough, your open rates will suffer. And if your emails aren’t being opened, that DIRECTLY affects your profit.

With our A.I Subject writer, you can ensure that your always getting MAXIMUM open rates.

NEW Hybrid Sequences Feature

One of our MOST requested features is FINALLY a reality. Imagine if you can set up a sequence where the first message that goes out to your subscribers is an email, the second message is a text, the third message is a Ringless voicemail, then they get a message on FB messenger etc etc.

Well, that’s EXACTLY what our Hybrid Sequences allow you to do. You can leverage every form of communication that your subscribers use so they can get MULTIPLE exposures to your message. One automated sequence that reaches your subscribers on multiple channels!

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